
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mayan Civilization - Pretty Impressive

Upon seeing Mel Gibsons Apocalypto I became fascinated with Mayan Culture. With My background as a cultural anthropology minor in college I decided to do some research into Mayan Civilization particularly from a cultural perspective.

The first thing that struck me was how far back the Mayan Civilization goes. It is believed that they came to our part of the world in the 4th ice age via the Bering Strait. My research has led me to believe that they originally descended from Egypt migrated through Asia and then onto Siberia, Alaska and what we call North America. As the Ice melted they migrated south. Most researchers are split with the Egyptian theory. I find that many of the cultural practices including the building of pyramids and their hieroglyphic language closely mirrored the Egyptian culture at various points of pre-historic and historic history.

As soon as the ice age came to an end we see a shift from humans being total carnivores to include plants in their diets. The early Mayan Descendants started agricultural villages as far back as approximately 9000 BC. Stone tools as well as pottery were found in Guatemala dating back to 9000 BC.

The Mayan Empire was not one homogeneous country. It was a series of independent states that were connected by a common culture that unified them. The root of the Mayan culture was based on the Olmec, to which the Mayan adopted, adapted and expanded upon.

Religion and politics went hand and hand in Mayan Civilization. Kings were born to throne and secondary rulers by nepotism. New Kings were the eldest of the male children to the previous kings. Many time priests and kings were one and the same. The king was usually the head priest also. The ruling class was also either hand chosen or born into the royal family, as were priests. In Mayan belief it was the King and his reigning powers that ensured the continuation of the universe as with the Egyptian belief System. The Mayans were big on bloodletting and the higher the rank in class the more blood one was expected to sacrifice. It was not uncommon for the king to pierce his penis or tongue with the blood being part of the sacrifice.

The Mayan Civilization was the only Mesoamerican pre-Columbian culture to have a written language. They also developed complicated calendar systems as well as astronomy and mathematics. The Mayans did practice human sacrifice in times of extreme difficulty. No one really knows why the Mayan Civilization collapsed even before the arrival of the Spaniards. It is speculated that natural things like natural disasters, disease as epidemics and climate change were part of the environmental factors to help the decline of Maya Civilization. Non-Environmental factors included foreign invasion and warfare, peasant revolt and trade break down. With these factors already present it was easy for the Spanish to come in and finish off the Mayan Civilization.

Reginas new site on Mayan Civilization is a must for those who want any information on that subject. With her background in cultural anthropology she clearly gives a clear and detailed re-telling of the Mayan Civilization. The information is fascinating and covers many aspects of the Mayan Civilization from many perspectives. Definitely check this site out for your Mayan Civilization information. http://www.mayancivilizationinfo.com

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Alternatives to Penis Enlargement Pills

Penis size is a sensitive issue for many men and penis enlargement is a big business. But, before you try the numerous products on the market promising to make your penis bigger, you should know the facts and beware of false techniques.

Always beware of advertised miracle pills, especially the ones that promise to make your penis bigger. Since there is no FDA-approved medication for penis enhancement, advertised penis enlargement pills are not checked by a federal official. As a result, there is no guarantee as to what ingredients or substances the supposed penis enhancement pill contains. These meds can pose serious health risks. Not to mention that the pill may be a placebo or simply filled with sawdust.

And few customer complaints ever occur because no one wants to be the plaintiff in a case against companies that offer these bogus products, which is a shame really. It would put a lot more pressure on government bodies to regulate this very lucrative industry.

What are penis pills all about? These pills usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones such as testosterone. Although topical testosterone is sometimes used on adolescent boys to accelerate puberty, there's no evidence that it or any other substance can increase penis size in adult men. And, of course, the same is true for male enhancement oil or patches or lotions etc.

The question for many men is whether or not you can make your penis larger without pills. The answer is yes, you can get there, but as pills and ointments dont help you will have a lot of work to do. Penis exercises, accompanied or not by penis enlargement devices, are a really safe way of increasing the length and girth of your penis.

Penis size is an obsession shared across generations and cultures and this obsession will not go away any time soon. It is very probable that your penis size is the perfect size and there is nothing you have to worry about. Research shows that more than 70 percent of men have penises that measure between 5 and 7 inches when erect.

A penis is considered abnormally small only if it measures less than 3 inches when erect. Researchers have documented many cases in which men with so-called micro penises have been fully capable of having sex and fathering children. But of course, nobody could be happy with just having sex in order to father children, will you? You want to be sure you can please your partner and comes the anxiety about penis size, about whats normal and whats not.

But in case you do feel the need for a longer, thicker penis, then penis enlargement exercises is the simplest, safest way to go about it. You can find a lot of dedicated web sites on the Internet and you can learn everything from basic stretching and jelqing techniques to what kind of diet you should try and what underwear to buy.

And keep in mind that penis exercises can help you have a lot more control on your erections and on your ejaculation and this is really a lot more important than the size of your penis.

Penis enlargement devices can help any men regain confidence in his powers of being a great lover and this is what its all about. They can help you get more dates with more beautiful women (or men, as it is the case), because a high confidence level is the sexiest thing in the world, so I say you should go for it!

I am Richard Whyte, an internet marketer who do a lot of research on Penile enlargement. Please visit my site for more info.


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