
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pregnancy - The Other Drug Rehab

Drugs can damage the development of a baby, and can cause complications during pregnancy. Certain drugs can cause nutritional deficiencies, anemia, and fetal growth retardation. The use of drugs while pregnant can also increase the chance of developing toxemia or pre-eclampsia. Marijuana use during pregnancy can cause attention deficit, memory problems and impaired decision making skills. These problems usually dont appear until age 3. The use of amphetamines is associated with an increase in cardiovascular defects in babies. Barbiturate use during pregnancy may be linked to birth defects, withdrawals, poor feeding, and seizures. Opiods are associated with abnormalities and complications during pregnancy. There is a high risk for premature labor, intrauterine growth retardation and pre-eclampsia, in women who use opiods while pregnant. Cocaine use by the mother-to-be can increase the risk of miscarriage. Babies born to mothers who used cocaine during pregnancy can have lower IQ scores and mental deficiencies. Sudden infant death syndrome is more common in babies born to mothers who used cocaine. The use of PCP during pregnancy is believed to cause abnormal development in babies. It can cause the mother to have mental illness and loose contact with reality.

If you smoke cigarettes, and are pregnant or plan to be pregnant you should definitely consider stopping the habit. When you inhale tobacco smoke you are inhaling substances that are harmful to you and your growing baby. These substances include nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, tars, resins and other cancer causing agents. These harmful chemicals are passed through the placenta to the baby when inhaled by the mother to be.

Smoking has a number of harmful effects on babies such as, a low birth weight, lower IQ scores, reading disorders, and hyperactivity. Smoking has also been known to interfere with the babys absorption of vitamins B and C and folic acid, which are all important to the growth and development of the baby. There is a risk of developing placental abruption during pregnancy that increases to 25% in women who are moderate smokers, and 65% in women who smoke heavily. Smoking during pregnancy also increases the risk of miscarriage, death of the baby while still in the mother, or shortly after birth. The risk of placenta previa is 25% more likely to happen in women who smoke moderately, and 90% more likely in women who smoke heavily.

Drinking alcohol while pregnant is also not a good idea. There are very serious risks involved with drinking alcohol and being pregnant. Even a little amount of alcohol can increase the risk of having a miscarriage. Large amounts of alcohol can result in abnormalities of the baby. Chronic alcohol use can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, FAS, which is when the fetus develops abnormally.

Fetal alcohol syndrome refers to growth retardation before and after the childs birth. This can mean heart and limb defects and unusual facial characteristics. Children born with FAS can also have behavioral problems, impaired speech, and impaired muscle and joint use.

Abnormalities in babies have been associated with as little as two drinks a day. It is best to avoid alcohol altogether, so that you do not put your baby at risk of having fetal alcohol syndrome. Some over the counter cold medicines contain alcohol, so make sure to read labels before use of all medications.

Not only does the mother need to avoid alcohol, but it is also a good idea for the father to not drink also. Research suggests that large amounts of alcohol consumed by the father may cause the baby to be born with FAS. Alcohol consumption by the father has also been known to cause intrauterine growth retardation.

Not only can illegal drugs have harmful effects on babies, but legal drugs and medications can have harmful effects on babies also. You should stop all use of medications until you discuss the medicines with your doctor to find out if they are safe to use while pregnant. The best way to prevent any of these harmful effects on your baby is to stop all drug use before and during pregnancy. The next time you consider getting high, having a drink, or lighting up, think of how it would feel if your baby is born with abnormalities, and you single handedly could have prevented these hardships for your baby.

For more information on drug abuse and addiction, visit Drug Rehab Information at http://www.info-drug-rehab.com

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Alcohol Addiction - On The Wagon Or Social Drinker?

Learning how to stop drinking alcohol for some people is a long and difficult process. If you have become dependent on alcohol to cope; if you drink in the morning or before work; if you are unable to cope in social situations without your "friend" (the drink); if you have hurt people while you were drunk - then you have some important decisions to make.

The most important decision, of course, is to get rid of that alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, without that decision, it all too often ends up on that "slippery slope", that "downward spiral".

Another decision to make, and this is an important one, is whether to aim at becoming a teetotaler, where you never drink alcohol again, or allowing yourself the occasional drink in social situations.

This is a controversial topic. Some people and organizations claim that once you are addicted, you are addicted for life. Just as an ex-heroin addict can become instantly re-addicted after just one dose, so the ex-drinker can become instantly re-addicted with just the one drink.

Other people, such as certain NLP practitioners (but not all), say instead that it's better to aim for choice. In every situation, the ex-drinker can choose to drink or not to drink.

I believe that it's a little more complicated. Firstly, there are degrees of addiction. An alcoholic needs to aim at total abstinence in the first place. Only when he or she has become an ex-drinker, and (with the help of mind skills such as NLP, EFT or self-hypnosis) can have a good time without drinking any alcohol, can the decision be made.

The ex-drinker would do well to always err on the side of caution. If there is any doubt at all, then the safe route is to avoid all alcohol. The problem is not that the person may be irresponsible, but that the first thing to disappear with a drink is judgment (that is why drink-driving is so dangerous). So, after the first drink, the ex-drinker is no longer in a position to judge whether another drink is safe.

Here are my tips for an ex-drinker as to whether a social drink is safe. If the answer is "no" to any of them, then stay on the wagon!

  1. Are you enjoying yourself?
  2. Are you in a safe environment, where you will not be subjected to stress or bad feelings?
  3. Have you coped well with this situation before without drink?
  4. Have you learned to take control of your emotions even in stressful situations?
  5. If you have drunk in this situation before, did you do so in strict moderation and in good spirits?
  6. Finally, are you absolutely sure that you will cope with just one drink and know how to stop drinking alcohol before it has any effect on you?

Learn how to stop drinking alcohol Learn to take control of yourself and free yourself from the slavery of alcohol addiction

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